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Safety Lesson Plan For Preschoolers

Fire safety lesson plans for preschoolers Childhood Education
Fire safety lesson plans for preschoolers Childhood Education from

As parents and teachers, our top priority is to ensure the safety of our little ones. Preschoolers are at a stage where they are curious and eager to explore their surroundings, which is why it is crucial to teach them about safety at an early age. In this article, we will be discussing some safety lesson plans for preschoolers that can help them understand the importance of safety and how to stay safe.

Lesson 1: Stranger Danger

One of the most important lessons to teach preschoolers is about stranger danger. Explain to them that they should never talk to strangers or go anywhere with them, even if they seem friendly. Teach them to always stay close to a trusted adult and never wander off alone.

You can make this lesson more interactive by using role-playing scenarios. Pretend to be a stranger and ask the child to react appropriately. This will help them understand what to do in case they encounter a stranger.

Lesson 2: Fire Safety

Another important lesson to teach preschoolers is about fire safety. Teach them the importance of not playing with matches or lighters and what to do in case of a fire. Show them how to stop, drop, and roll and how to crawl under smoke. You can also conduct fire drills to practice what to do in case of a fire.

Lesson 3: Water Safety

Water safety is also an essential lesson to teach preschoolers, especially if you have a pool or live near a body of water. Teach them to never go near water without adult supervision and to always wear a life jacket when swimming. Explain to them the dangers of drowning and how to call for help in case of an emergency.

Lesson 4: Road Safety

Teach preschoolers about road safety and the importance of always holding hands when crossing the road. Explain to them the meaning of traffic signals and signs, and teach them to always look both ways before crossing the road.

Lesson 5: Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene is also an important lesson to teach preschoolers. Explain to them the importance of washing their hands regularly and how to cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Teach them to use tissues and dispose of them properly.

Lesson 6: Animal Safety

Teach preschoolers about animal safety, especially when encountering unfamiliar animals. Explain to them the importance of not approaching or touching animals without adult supervision. Teach them to always ask the owner for permission before petting an animal.

Lesson 7: Emergency Preparedness

Teach preschoolers about emergency preparedness and what to do in case of an emergency. Explain to them the importance of having an emergency kit and how to call for help in case of an emergency.

Lesson 8: Cyber Safety

In today's digital age, it is important to teach preschoolers about cyber safety. Explain to them the importance of not sharing personal information online and how to stay safe when using the internet. Teach them to always ask for permission before using electronic devices and to never click on pop-ups or download anything without adult supervision.

Lesson 9: Poison Safety

Teach preschoolers about poison safety and the importance of not eating or drinking anything unless it is given to them by a trusted adult. Teach them to recognize warning signs and symbols and to never touch or smell anything that they are unsure of.

Lesson 10: Sun Safety

Teach preschoolers about sun safety and the importance of wearing sunscreen and staying in the shade during peak hours. Explain to them the dangers of sunburn and how to protect their skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

Lesson 11: Playground Safety

Teach preschoolers about playground safety and the importance of following playground rules. Explain to them the dangers of climbing on equipment that is not meant for their age group and how to use equipment safely.

Lesson 12: Kitchen Safety

Teach preschoolers about kitchen safety and the importance of not touching hot surfaces or appliances. Teach them to always ask for permission before using the stove or oven and to never touch or taste anything without adult supervision.

Lesson 13: First Aid

Teach preschoolers about basic first aid and how to respond in case of minor injuries. Teach them to clean and cover cuts and scrapes and to know when to seek adult help.

Lesson 14: Bullying Prevention

Teach preschoolers about bullying prevention and the importance of treating others with kindness and respect. Explain to them what bullying is and how to report it if they or someone else is being bullied.

Lesson 15: Earthquake Safety

Teach preschoolers about earthquake safety and what to do in case of an earthquake. Explain to them the importance of dropping to the ground, covering their head, and holding on to something sturdy during an earthquake.


Teaching preschoolers about safety is an ongoing process, and these lesson plans are just the beginning. It is important to reinforce these lessons regularly and to always be vigilant when it comes to the safety of our little ones. By teaching them about safety at an early age, we can help them develop lifelong safety habits that will keep them safe throughout their lives.

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